State Faith Leaders Concerned Over Election Bill
“Our democracy also requires an equitable and fair redistricting process to result in fair election maps to effectively address the many serious social justice issues we face today,” said Rev. Joan Van Becelare, Director of Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio. “We need a strong democratic process here in Ohio and across the nation.”
Protest While You Can
Demonstrators assembled at the Ohio State House in Columbus, Ohio, April 10, demanding action in response to a series of anti-protest bills that are being debated in the Ohio House and Senate. The event, headlined “Protest While You Can,” was organized by Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio, which called the bills “an unconstitutional affront to our fundamental First Amendment rights to assemble, speak and petition the government.”

Jan. 30, 2020 - Ohio Activists Object To Increased Penalties For Damaging ‘Critical Infrastructure’

Jan. 30, 2020 - Ohio Activists Object To Increased Penalties For Damaging ‘Critical Infrastructure’

April 1, 2020 - OH SB33 Testimony by Rev. Joan Van Becelaere, Executive Director of UUJO (Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio)
Others will argue about how this bill attacks freedom of speech and freedom of association. I want to also raise the argument that this bill attacks freedom of religion and prohibits justice-oriented faith traditions from exercising what they believe is their religious duty to engage in public witness at those places where the health and life of people are endangered and the sacred integrity of the environment is put in jeopardy.

Letter in Columbus Dispatch: Call on Governor DeWine for Rental Assistance

Feb. 13, 2019 - Attacks on women’s freedoms in Ohio and nationally take us backwards in ways incompatible with lives of faith
TOLEDO, Ohio -- The current attacks on women’s basic rights to make decisions about their own futures without fear of punishment, shame or stigma demonstrate that our nation’s laws are getting further and further away from our values even at a moment when women have made historic gains.

Opinion Letter: Everyone’s freedom depends on protecting upcoming election

Jan. 30, 2020 - Ohio Activists Object To Increased Penalties For Damaging ‘Critical Infrastructure’
About two dozen people from environmental, anti-povert, and religious groups interrupted an Ohio House committee meeting Wednesday with loud chants. Their demonstration spilled out of the committee room and into a hallway of the Statehouse.
Joan Van Becelaere, executive director of Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio, says increased penalties for damage that occurs while protesting can hamper their free speech.
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Protest While You Can
Demonstrators assembled at the Ohio State House in Columbus, Ohio, April 10, demanding action in response to a series of anti-protest bills that are being debated in the Ohio House and Senate. The event, headlined “Protest While You Can,” was organized by Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio, which called the bills “an unconstitutional affront to our fundamental First Amendment rights to assemble, speak and petition the government.” CLICK for full story